It’s been several months since I posted anything, here on SarahDalzielMedia, and today is the start of a new angle and direction here. I’ve been debating this change for several months and have just decided to take the plunge. While I will still explore a bit of business, and writing related topics, my focus will be on where I have a unique perspective, as a volunteer, and writer, in the city of Jerusalem. You may notice that there are, now, no secondary ads on the blog and that is because this is a conversation, and an exploration. This is a journey, and I invite you to join me as I learn, study, and grow:
Topics I will be blogging on:
Jerusalem Through My Eyes: short video clips and explanations of interesting sites, and daily happenings here in Jerusalem. This may include street performers, or just a collection of snaps from the week, or sometimes an overview of a tourist destination (like The Garden Tomb).
Writing: My progress on The Prophet’s Trilogy, when new books will be out, and snippets from the characters of The Scottish Kelpie Tales, and The Prophet’s Trilogy. Also, updates with my non-fiction writing and explorations of various topics, guest blogs, and more.
If you like audio files, I’m working on narrating The Prophet’s Fire and turning it into an audio book! And I plan to do the same with the Kelpie tales, and the future Prophet’s Trilogy books. Early access to audio will be available through Patreon! In fact, the first chapter is already up!
Challenges and Triumphs of Volunteer Life: Lessons I’m learning as I work on healthy eating on a budget, physical health and fitness, and general life lessons from a young adult living on their own in a strange city, culture, and environment. This will include meal prepping, and my adventures with, virtually, walking to Mordor as I enjoy the challenges of walking in Jerusalem rather than taking the city bus. Also, I am still a largely self-supporting volunteer, and will be covering a few of my ups and downs on that journey as well.
Book Reviews: I still love reading, so you’ll still get book reviews, and other just-for-fun posts.
Blogging Schedule:
Expect one full length post either on Monday or Tuesday, and one shorter post, video or a summary of something, on Friday or Saturday. I know last fall I had a 3 day a week publishing schedule, but I ended up burned out after those three months. So, I am hopeful that the twice a week schedule will enable me to reach blogging consistency rather than blogging burn out.
What Does This Mean To You?
This may seem like a lot about me. But, sometimes the best lessons are those that another learns, and shares, so that you don’t have to learn the hard way. And so, I hope that sharing the good, and challenging, of my journey, will help you with your life journey. Whether you feel like you’re on an epic quest to awesome, or you’re just wondering whether your journey is about to come to an untimely end with three arguing trolls (The Hobbit), I hope you can find some encouragement or inspiration from my journey.
Now, while I would love for you to accompany me, virtually, on this journey. There are a few things you should be aware of. If you disagree on any of these points, you may not want to accompany me.
Who I Am:
I am a writer, volunteer, author, blogger, and entrepreneur. I am volunteering in Jerusalem, because I love the God of Israel, and believe the entire Bible is relevant, and true. I am a Bible school graduate, with a degree in Ministry Leadership, with a focus on women’s ministry. I am in Jerusalem as part of a humanitarian organization, and work in the background of the ministry as a writer. The ministry itself is focused on serving the people of Israel, demonstrating God’s love in practical and open ways as representatives of Christians in the nations, because we have been called to serve.
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